Foreclosure Sucks!!

If you're in a foreclosure situation we're soooo sorry for you. Some of us have gone through it too. We know how debilitating it can be. You can feel hopeless. Please call and we can give you some options.

Act Fast

There are things we can do.

Depending on the time there are the following options.

1) Government Grant for home owners.

2) Postponing the foreclosure.

3) Getting a reinstatement from the lender.

4) Doing a loan modification.

5) Selling the house for top dollar on the MLS.

6) Filing for Bankruptcy stops foreclosure.

7) We may be able to find an investor to buy your property.

Time is of the essence!

The sooner you act the more options we have. If you take too much time you limit your options. If the foreclosure sale is scheduled it's time to act now!



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